Hey this is fun!
Wow I did it!!! It was pretty fun too. Well back to the weekend. On Saturday we didn't do a whole lot. After Grandpa got home from work we went to Fremont. Then after coming home Grandpa and Levi went fishing out at Summit. Levi got a lesson of the birds and the bees only with worms. They came home and both of them crashed out it the chair. On Sunday we had our family reunion. That was a lot of fun. It was especially fun trying to get some good pictures of Lillie in her "Husker" cheerleading outfit. Yes, she is ready for football season! Well I better get something done tonight so I better get busy. Hope you enjoy the pictures. (Well I had 2 pictures on here and one was sideways so I had to delete it. I will have to add another one of Levi that goes the right way so that you can see it without having to turn your head.)