Grandma Eckdahl

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Keep your fingers crossed

Well I need everyone to keep their fingers crossed and pray for me. I have a realtor coming on Saturday morning to look at the farm. Who knows what will happen but it sure would be nice to be able to get rid of this place. Especially because I have a couple of houses in Rose Hill that I am looking at. Amy is going to look at one tomorrow morning and take pictures for me.

Well it sounds like we are in a thunderstorm warning again. I don't know if we were in one when I came home from West Point tonight or not. It just poured on me from Oakland all the way home. When I pulled in the driveway before I got out of the car it was hailing some small pieces. I got soaked coming in the house. I finally have an umbrella and yes, it was in the house. Oh well I didn't melt. Well it's almost bedtime once again.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Garage sales

Well Dixie wants to know why I have not blogged lately. Well I have been really really tired. It took me a week of just going to work and coming home and not doing anything to recover from having a house full for over a week. I am not complaining. I loved having my kids home. I was just totally worn out when they left. I don't know what last weeks excuse was. It flew by. Today I have been trying to recover from the hard work of my 3rd garage sale. I have done quite well. I did over 900 from the sale we had here at the house. (We didn't have a lot of people, the ones that were here just bought a lot of stuff.) Then after I got off work on Friday I loaded up my car and went to my friends house in Tekamah. I made almost 200 Friday night and Saturday. My friend kept apologizing because we were not real busy. I told her I was happy with what I did. Yes, it is a lot of work but I got rid of a few more things. Tonight I got the money for the 2 Nova's so that was another 150. I just need to figure out what kind of price to put on the red pickup when I get ready to leave here. I have several people interested in that.

Who knows what this week will bring. I know on Wednesday I am suppose to meet with the guy who is handling my retirement. Oh dang - I have to find some information on my life insurance policy. I am going to bed early tonight. It is almost 9. I want to get a good night's sleep so that hopefully I can crawl out of bed on time for once.

By the way for those of you who have read Robert's blog. It is no mystery about the camera. He stole my camera. He thinks that I switched the cameras around. I didn't even know I had his camera until he told me he had mine. That is one reason why I haven't posted. My pictures are in KC. (Except for the ones I took after Robert left my house.) I have some beautiful pictures of Bob's grave from Memorial Day. I wanted to put those on my blog. Good night everyone!