Grandma Eckdahl

Sunday, March 22, 2009

I am thankful for -

my wonderful son-in-law. He came over after church and helped work on my honey do list. I needed the oil changed in the mower so I could get it going. He did it but then the mower wouldn't start. The battery was dead so he had to charge it. He put together my patio furniture and by the time he got that done the mower would start. He made a circle around the back yard. He asked if I wanted him to mow it. I told him it was up to him but I could do it. Well he mowed and he got it almost done until the mower ran out of gas. I can't find a gas can around here either. We only had about 20. I thought I brought 2 or 3 with me but I can't seem to locate them. He finished the back yard with the weed eater. I can't believe how tall the grass was back there. Everything is really getting green here. The trees had buds on them 2 weeks ago and now the leaves are coming out. Woo hoo!!! I love spring! Amy and the kids came over after she got Levi and we had tater tot casserole. Then she had a meeting to go to at the YMCA. Josh put up my clock that I got for Christmas from them. Well no pictures again this time. I am going to have Amy help me organize my pictures in folders so that I can add pictures so it won't be so difficult. Right now I don't download them onto the computer. What I really need to do is burn them to CD's in case the computer would crash. Just another item on the to do list. Well I have to get to bed. Work tomorrow:)