Grandma Eckdahl

Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Well I really don't know what to write about and since it is June 30th I had better get busy. I have no clue where June went. I must have been sleeping.

I have had some house guest this past month. Dixie and Dude came down for Relay for Life. Dixie was on Amy's team and Dude was on my team. I still have a lot to learn about Relay. This was my first year as a team captain and I plan on next year being better.

Last week Michael's girlfriend was only 2 hours away so she came to my house to meet Amy and I. She spent the night with her little boy.

On Friday Miss Kim came to visit me. We had a blast. We did some shopping, eating, and even did some garage sales. We found a couple of really good buys. I got Ethan a firefighter dress up coat for 50 cents and Amy a long sleeve moisture wicking turtle neck for 50 cents that was brand new. It will be good for winter when she is out running. Oh I also got Ethan a wipe off board so that he can have his own to "write" on. Seems that someone erased Amy's schedule off her board last month. Luckily I had the time of her doctors appointment written down or she wouldn't have know what time her appointment was.

I can't believe that this weekend is July 4th! That means in less than 6 months it will be Christmas. Summer is going way to fast. I need to fit some water park time in. Hopefully I can figure out some time off from work. I just have to try to fit it in somewhere. July is going to fly by as we have 2 events going on with Relay.

Everyone have a wonderful and safe 4th of July and you'll probably see my next post on July 31.