Grandma Eckdahl

Tuesday, November 30, 2010


TGFS? What is that suppose to mean? It stands for Thank God For Sisters. I kind of spaced it off that today was the last day of the month. I was over at Amy's because my car was having issues. I was waiting for Josh to fix it and since Amy was not home - I was on her computer. I was checking my email to see if I had heard back from the gal at the East Y and I saw I had a post on my blog. About that time Josh came down to tell me that my car was done. He had to replace a spark plug. Yea! It wasn't a real expensive fix. So anyway Thank You Dixie! for reminding me that I had to make my post. That would be awful to mess up now with only one more post left.

I should have time to blog in December since I should be laid up. Less than a week until I have my right knee replaced. This time a total knee instead of just a partial.

This past month I went to Topeka to attend Relay University to try to learn new things to help improve our Relay for Life. It was an awesome time and I went up early to meet Robert. He even brought me Runza from Lawrence. It was really good even though the french fries were only warm.

I was so glad to spend a little time with my sisters when they were on their way to Texas for Thanksgiving.

I had an awesome Thanksgiving. Robert was not planning on coming until Thursday since Emily was coming with him. Emily's plans changed so they were able to come down on Wednesday night. YEA! I love Emily. She is so sweet. They showed up at the store since I was working Wed. night. We had just finished revealing the signs and just had to wait to make sure everything was checked by Mark & Justin. Gail said I could leave since Robert was in town. I was able to get off work at 9:30. On Thursday we just hung out and then we went to Wal-Mart to get a few groceries. We came home and watched a movie and then we decided to go to K-Mart to look around. As we were getting ready to leave I thought that I had better wash the dishes in the dishwasher so that I would have room for supper dishes. Robert was checking out the new dishwasher and thought he bumped the plates when he went to reach for a sticker in the bottom. We went to leave and Robert couldn't find his phone. When he stopped to think where he last had it he thought of the dishwasher. He opened the dishwasher and there was his phone. (His phone that he had just gotten the week before.) Amy, Josh and the kids came over about 6. We had brisket, baked potatoes, rolls, baked beans, cheesy corn, and 2 salads. We had cheese cake for dessert. It was so good.

We went to bed at 12:15 and got up at 3:45. We went to Target. I wanted to get some scooters for Cameron and Bo for Christmas. I also got a couple of movies. It was crazy because the line went all the way around the store. We were clear back by the electronics department. Luckily it started moving rapidly and it was not that bad. Then we did a short stop at Wal-Mart and were home at 6 and went back to bed. Got up at 9 and then Robert & Emily got their stuff ready to go. We then had to go to the Sprint store so that he could get his phone replaced. No - he did not have insurance on it. It is a company phone. You would think they would want the insurance. After he got the phone - they left for home and I went to work for 6 hours. I have never seen that store look so bad. It looked like a war zone. I spent the time trying to fold clothes. There were some tables that I gave up on because I didn't know where to start. They were just heaped with unfolded clothes.

Well I had better head to bed. I need to get some rest. I have a cold that I have to get rid of before surgery on Monday.

Oh in case I don't get posted before Christmas - Have a Merry Christmas.
Only one more post to go to have met my New Years Resolution. Yee Haw!


  • At 7:04 AM , Blogger gmadxe said...

    Yay, Trisha!!! I didn't think you would make it....good thing I reminded you. Maybe you'll get TWO done in Dec, with being "laid up"! LOL

    Was good to get to see you guys on our way to Texas...even though it was a short time. I was going to call to wish you a Happy Thanksgiving - but didn't know when you'd be workiing or sleeping. You need to have texting!

    Take care this week and TRY to not be sick. Good luck on your surgery and wish I would be there to "help" you.

  • At 7:11 AM , Blogger Doodles said...

    cool Trisha, Ditsie and I are so proud of you to make a New Years resolution and follow through, I don't know about Ditsie but I can tell you my resolutions get broken before a week is done......tsk tsk no will power here.
    Oh well double the take care and good luck on your surgery Ditsie and I will be thinking and praying for you.

  • At 10:01 PM , Blogger gmadxe said...

    Trisha.,...We're coming to the end of the month AND year! Where's the blog??????
    Love ya...and HAPPY NEW YEAR!


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