Month 9 of my new years resolution
Well here it is the last day of September and it's almost bedtime and I have 2 bills to pay and need to post to my blog.
September has flown by. I have started teaching my own water class on Sunday afternoons. I also teach the first, third and fifth Saturday's of the month. It seems to be going well.
I went to the doctor last week and she took off a skin tag from my nose. She also removed a spot from my leg. I still need to call them to see what the results were. I'm sure it was nothing.
Penneys has begun getting ready for Christmas. We have lots of decorations for your home out and you can tell that "Christmas" gifts are being put out. You know like pjs, robes, etc.
Robert and the boys were here the weekend after Labor day. It was so fun because we went to a sports bar to watch the Husker game.
We had our relay wrap up meeting. I am looking forward to going to Relay University in November. It will be in Topeka. I also have to write an article on breast cancer before the 15th of Oct. for the relay newsletter.
I did get my Terry Redlin puzzle put together. It took a quite a while to get it done.
I got a new dishwasher. Haven't had a chance to use it since it was just installed yesterday.
Dixie was here and spent 2 nights with me. It was awesome. She even took my arthritis class. She did great except I did a little bit too much arms over the head exercises. She can even stand on one foot in the water.
Well guess what - there are only 85 days until Christmas. I guess I better get busy and try to get presents wrapped and start decorating my house.
Well have a great month and expect the next post on Halloween.
September has flown by. I have started teaching my own water class on Sunday afternoons. I also teach the first, third and fifth Saturday's of the month. It seems to be going well.
I went to the doctor last week and she took off a skin tag from my nose. She also removed a spot from my leg. I still need to call them to see what the results were. I'm sure it was nothing.
Penneys has begun getting ready for Christmas. We have lots of decorations for your home out and you can tell that "Christmas" gifts are being put out. You know like pjs, robes, etc.
Robert and the boys were here the weekend after Labor day. It was so fun because we went to a sports bar to watch the Husker game.
We had our relay wrap up meeting. I am looking forward to going to Relay University in November. It will be in Topeka. I also have to write an article on breast cancer before the 15th of Oct. for the relay newsletter.
I did get my Terry Redlin puzzle put together. It took a quite a while to get it done.
I got a new dishwasher. Haven't had a chance to use it since it was just installed yesterday.
Dixie was here and spent 2 nights with me. It was awesome. She even took my arthritis class. She did great except I did a little bit too much arms over the head exercises. She can even stand on one foot in the water.
Well guess what - there are only 85 days until Christmas. I guess I better get busy and try to get presents wrapped and start decorating my house.
Well have a great month and expect the next post on Halloween.