Grandma Eckdahl

Friday, May 28, 2010

May is flying right by

Well May has flown right on by just like the rest of the months. It's really a good thing it is the end of May or we would probably have a blizzard and get 6 feet of snow. Why would that be? Probably because
#1. I am posting before the end of the month,
#2. There are actually pictures on this post and you are never going to believe this one - they are in order!!!

May started out with a real blessing. Little Evie Renee Racchini arrived on the 2nd and was 19" long and weighed 7 pounds even. She missed her Great, Great Aunt Vera's birthday by a day. Oh, she also missed 2nd cousin Randy's birthday by a day too. Yes, she may have missed the birthday's but she was early as she wasn't due until the 13th - which would have been Grandma Patti's & Grandpa Bob's 33rd wedding anniversary. Uncle Robert really wanted her to be born on the 12th which would have been his birthday but we really needed her here early so that Mommy could walk for graduation. Ok enough rambling - on to the pictures.

This is one of the first pictures taken of Evie. We had to wait until after they got her off the oxygen to get a picture. She didn't cry right away. I don't know if that was because the cord was wrapped around her neck twice! After she got a little O2 she was fine.
Here she is meeting her Mommy for the first time. I thought she was going to try to nurse right through that hospital gown. Amy looks pretty good for being tired considering Evie didn't make her appearance until after 3 in the morning.

Here is Ethan holding his little sister. He really loves her. He said "My baby" It looks like he is trying to "pet" her.

Lillie & Ethan were relaxing in the other bed that was in Amy's room.
Now it is the middle of the month. Amy was able to walk for graduation. She actually got her diploma in December but they don't have a mid year graduation. I am so proud of her. It has taken her a while to get this done and she has had a rough road considering she was working/and raising a family. I am so proud of you Amy! I wish I could be more like you.

The kids did such a good job of sitting for such a long time. I was very proud of them too.

Evie slept all the way through graduation. We did have a bottle in case it was needed. It is a good thing that Aunt Dude didn't come down for graduation since Evie slept the entire time. Dude would have been so disappointed.

Levi loves his sister so much.

Yea Amy!

Can ya find her? She's in the 2nd row of people.

Waiting to go up to get the "case for the diploma"

Yea! Graduation is over! Good job Amy!

Here is Amy with her friend Shirley. Shirley & Amy run together and have an awesome friendship.

Amy & Josh. She sure looks happy doesn't she?

Evie in her cradle and Ethan is checking on her.
This month has been crazy. I have had 5 doctor appointments and of course Evie has not pooped on her own since she was in the hospital. I have tried to help Amy at appointments when I can. Then of course last night I had to take Amy to Immediate Care as she was not feeling well. At least the biopsy they took on Evie the other day came back negative but it still doesn't explain why she doesn't poop. Here it is Memorial Day weekend. Summer is here YEA! That means it is time for going to the water park at Andover YMCA. Water slide and lazy river - here I come. I feel like June is over and it hasn't even started. Maybe I should get that June blog done now to keep my resolution. Woo hoo only 7 more post left for this year. Ummm - maybe that's not a good things cuz then it will be cold again. Well until next month - everyone enjoy your summer.