Grandma Eckdahl

Saturday, July 26, 2008

I have to beat Amy

Yes, I have to beat Amy and get a post done before she does. We have both been really busy. She is busy sewing up a storm and running after children. She even has news that she could be sharing such as her husband has gotten a different job.

I have been busy trying to start packing. I have packed up several boxes of movies. I am starting to sort what can go to Wichita and what I need to get rid of. I plan to get a storage unit to put the stuff to get rid of in. Then I can just do a garage sale from the storage unit. Amy tries to help me out when she can. Last night she emailed someone from Craigslist about the pinto's. Sounds like they are suppose to be picked up tomorrow sometime. She even upped the asking price. I sold the meat grinder and some other stuff to Jason yesterday. I stopped at Nifty Thrifty to see if I had any money there from clothes that I took in. I have over 400 to deposit this week. I just need to keep plugging away and keep getting rid of stuff. Oh that reminds me, I have the money for the elliptical in the safe. Guess that can go to the bank too. I think we are going to try and work on getting rid of the reloading stuff. I sent Amy the information about the windmill. Hopefully she can get that put on in her spare time. Spare time? What's that.

I am taking off work Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday to stay at home to sort and pack. I am collecting boxes for moving. Anybody want to come help????

Well I better get busy. I have a lot to do. I will try to get some pictures posted one of these days. Sorry it has taken me so long to get a post. I know some of you check my blog to see if I have done anything.


  • At 8:53 PM , Blogger gmadxe said...

    Well....good job, Trisha...getting a post out there. Sorry I can't come help you pack....I'm going to be busy doing that myself. Only mine is going to a storage unit - so my house is "staged to sell". LOL! This is a SCARY decision!

  • At 10:22 PM , Blogger Patti said...

    Yes, I know what you mean. Hey maybe you should get one of those pods. I was thinking of using that to move to Kansas. I don't know. It will depend upon the safe. Jason told me you can move the safe. He said to get a Penske truck because they have a lift on them. He said he would help with the safe. I also have gone through all of my movies. I am down to 719 videos. I know that may sound like a lot but I had over 1100 plus.

  • At 11:35 AM , Blogger Doodles said...

    OMG 1100 movies???? What's with that are you opening a store or what???
    Hey that would be extra
    But I'm glad you posted did you beat Amy???
    I always check yours first because E comes before anyone else's. Maybe I should have Amy's under her name instead of Racchini she's last on my list. But I will be checking.

  • At 6:07 PM , Blogger Amy said...

    That is ok that I am last on the list I am the last one to update too. :( Course I do have a good excuse oh wait 2 Good excuses!


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