Grandma Eckdahl

Sunday, May 18, 2008


Well my garage sale was a success. I took 3 car loads of stuff over to West Point and when I returned home it fit in the car with one trip. Yes, the car was really stuffed. I even had the front passenger seat folded up. My purse also had an extra 300 plus dollars in it. I think that is very successful and we didn't even advertise it. We might be having a garage sale the weekend after Memorial day out at the farm. I don't know how many people we will have but hopefully we can find lots of things to get rid of before the sale. The kids will be home in less than a week to help with that task.


  • At 8:32 PM , Blogger Amy said...

    And boy will we be helping. Helping empty the house. LOL! I am sure it will be a task, and not an easy one. We will probably laugh and cry and then cry some more. All part of the healing though, we just have to remember the good times. The water fights and the rubber band fights. It will be good.

  • At 10:23 PM , Blogger gmadxe said...

    Glad you had a successful garage sale. You sure had nice weather - even thouugh it was WINDY!
    Ya - Robert & Amy.....make her get rid of some of that STUFF!!!!!
    I suppose my kids will say, "well what about you, Mom???"

  • At 8:54 AM , Blogger Rox said...

    WooHoo! Sounds like it was a good one! I never bring anything home, I part with it when I get it ready for the sale, and whatever doesn't sell, I take to goodwill!
    Uh Mom (Dixie)...I will be coming to your house some time this summer but we won't have a garage sale (unless you want to put it on the cheer/dance one), we are taking stuff to goodwill!!!

  • At 1:49 PM , Blogger Doodles said...

    Congratulations Trisha on the garage sale after our last fiasco I'm not ready to go there again, but that's great you are ahead of the game.
    And Dixie, me too I need to get rid of STUFF!!!!!! also, and hope to get at it real soon if I ever get a chance to be home. I think I finally got done at school. (for a while anyway)
    Hope to see ya this week end but I may have to help out at the club house she's having trouble getting people to work on a holiday hummmm imagine that.

  • At 7:48 PM , Blogger gmadxe said...

    c/mon, Grandma....You've had 2 more garage sales since the one that is posted. It's going to be a MONTH soon, since you have posted. (hope I don't get scolded again for cyber-bullying again)


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